Vorige week mochten we van uitgeverij Xander drie exemplaren van Het hart viel binnen van James Meek weggeven aan onze lezers. De antwoorden op de vragen waren:

1 Victoria Moore in The Daily Mail: ‘Page-turning and absorbing.’

2 The Economist: ‘Mr Meek’s own heroes are the great Russian novelists of the 19th century, and he has put their lessons to good use in this thoughtful literary thriller that is as pacey as it is unexpected.’

3 Annalena McAfee in The Financial Times: ‘In other, less capable hands, a fictional attempt to address and link these issues of moral complexity – to achieve the Forsterian “connection” – might prove overly schematic. But in this compelling novel Meek, with his vivid characterisation and narrative drive, succeeds in engaging the heart as well as the head.’

De winnaars zijn:

– Rob van Essuurd uit Peize

– Marijn van Grunsven uit Bontebok

– Wijnand Marchal uit Leidschendam

James Meek – Het hart viel binnen. Vertaald door Robert Neugarten. €19,95