Hij was al vier keer genomineerd, maar Jiří Kratochvil won met Liška v dámu (Fox into Lady) dan eindelijk de jaarlijkse Tsjechische literaire prijs Magnesia Litera in de categorie proza. Dana Blatná, de literair agent van de 80-jarige Kratochvil vertaalde het juryrapport in het Engels:

Jiří Kratochvil, one of the most translated Czech authors, represents a contemporary Czech prose that rejects traditional literary realism. Set in the 1950s, the novel Fox into Lady has two intersecting storylines. The more realistic tells of a young labourer from Brno called Pavel, a promising informer for the national security forces who, because of his gift for languages, is chosen to go over to the West to create a diversion at Radio Free Europe. The more fantastical story is that of a young fox. Stalin (referred to as the Steward) sets scientists at the Pavlov Institute the task of transforming the fox into a woman. Called Sylva, this woman will head Westwards to murder Winston Churchill. The storylines come together when the two protagonists meet in the free world – after which life itself proves stronger than the intentions of those on high. The novel Fox into Lady is a tribute to the literary imagination; more than just a play of words and images, it is a powerful story of the interconnection and incompatibility of different worlds and a celebration of human and vulpine freedom.

Tot Tsjechisch boek van het jaar werd Jan Žižka van Petr Čornej, gekozen, een educatief boek over de middeleeuwen.

Vorig jaar verscheen bij Uitgeverij kleine Uil Een bedroefde God van Jiří Kratochvil. De vertaling door Tieske Slim haalde de longlist van de Europese Literatuurprijs.